
Halloween is Nigh...

It's a Halloween Hop now!  This is my second hop and I'm so glad to be a part of the Bento Bloggers and Friends!  These people are amazing!  Not just with their lunchscapades, but in reality, too.  Please leave me a comment below if you'd like and then head on over to Glory's Mischief to follow the hop and see all the fun and inspiring lunches we've all been working on!

(Click the pumpkin above to travel through the hop)

Every year, I want to start with the Halloween decorating around the first week of October.  The Hubs is the voice of reason, and lets it be known that decorating too early could water down the festivities.  I agree, but I still want to decorate!  Today, I am off from work again, and having successfully avoided the laundry yesterday until around 5pm, I have not much else to do today.  So I made a little Halloween lunchy for the natives.  We still have to get our costume ideas nailed down, but I think the Wild Child is trying to get me to make her into a box of french fries.  Last year, they were pizzas, and the year before that, we had one 50's waitress and one bubble bather, courtesy of Family Fun Magazine's extensive costume idea section.  They've won our little neighborhood costume contest for two years in a row. 

On with the lunch, then I will show off my mad costume making skillz.

I made tombstone apple swirl bread sandwiches with Trader Joes Pumpkin Butter (which is nowhere near the price it is on Amazon), Snap Pea Crisps for grass, ranch in the Mini Dipper, a Babybel pumpkin cut out with an Exacto-Knife, carrot chips, dried apricots and a Rice Krispie Treat cut to possibly resemble a candy corn.  Then, of course it's adorned with the little Halloween picks I bought like 3 years ago on clearance and still have a ton of.  Again, my Bento Bloggers and Friends have a ton of ideas, and I am in no way original in making this I will credit all of them with the ideas!  Click HERE for a link to a bunch of Halloween themed lunches.

Now for our Halloween Costume Showcase!  I'm rather proud of the results from making their costumes...and honestly, they didn't take long at all to make!  And I LOVE carving pumpkins...even use power tools to get the desired results!

Shop Amazon - Halloween Shop


  1. Great lunch and color coordination with green and orange!

  2. Great lunch and amazing custumes!! :)

  3. Fantastic lunches! Love the costumes too!

  4. The babybell pumpin is soo cute!

  5. Love the graveyard and your girlies are soo cute!

  6. Ok, wow - you are so creative! I love all the costumes and that amazing pumpkin and of course your lunch! I wish my kids liked Babybel cheese - maybe I have to trick them into eating it ;) It looks so good :)

    1. Have you tried the mozzarella ones? They're not so "foot cheese"y ;)

  7. Best Halloween Post ever!!! I love the food and the costumes to the moon and back!! Fantastic!!!

  8. Love the costumes :) And I love your babybel jack-o-lantern :)

  9. Super cute lunches and love the costumes as well!:)

  10. Awesome lunch - love the photos too.

  11. Awesome costumes and my fave is the BabyBel jack-o-lantern :)

  12. aww love the costume shots so cute!!

    great lunch ~ the tombstones turned out fabulous!

  13. Your Babybel is so well carved. Such a great smile!

  14. Love the lunch and the costumes! No wonder they have won the costume contest two years in a row.

  15. Great lunch and I love all the costumes! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Love the lunch!! And all of the great costume :D

  17. Great looking lunch! And love the Halloween pictures too!

  18. Love the lunch and all of the great costumes! We're still stumped on ours for this year (ideas are there... they're just not coming together though).

    1. That's tough! I found all our costumes on Family Fun...they have great instructions and make it so easy to look like you slaved over making them. Those pizzas took about an hour...maybe two because we had to wait for paint to dry. ;)

  19. Great lunch and costumes! Tombstones turned out great (and sound really yummy) and love the baby bel pumpkin!
