
Uninspired...Look at my cat pictures!!!

I've been staring at that stupid empty lunchbox for 15 minutes.  There's three loads of laundry waiting to be folded.  A chorus concert tonight.  A webinar I want to watch at 9pm about parenting.  I've been up since 4am.  I worked an hour past when I was scheduled to.  And dammit.  I'm just blah.

Thanks for listening.

In other news:  We got another cat this weekend.  Her name is SueSue and she is just the sweetest thing.  They say she was a stray, but I find that hard to believe.  She purrs like an old Harley and loves the heck out of everyone...except the dog so far.  Just so you know, I have high ambitions of becoming a cat lady once my kids outgrow me and move on...


  1. This is why I don't pack lunches. They would be lucky to get a bag of chips in there.
