
I am the WALRUS. World Animal Day Blog Hop

I typically make pretty easy lunches for my girls.  I make them the night before, snap a few pictures, then post them on my Facebook page,  Now, I've begun blogging about some of the lunches I make.  I've overdone it this time!  I joined my pals in doing a World Animal Day blog hop.  I'd never even seen or heard of a blog hop until about two weeks ago when they did a great Talk Like a Pirate Day hop.  That was fun!  Click HERE to see some of it.  So this here post is my first ever blog hop and completely themed lunch.  Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

So, a blog hop...what is that, anyways?  Basically a group of the lunchy bloggers got together and decided to make all of our lunches on one day be about the same theme...this one is for what is apparently World Animal Day, October 4, 2012. Once you've been satisfied that my blog isn't worth reading anymore, you can click the link button at the bottom of the page to move on to the next blog, and from their blog onto another blog, and so on, and so on...


I've got an affinity for mustaches these days, so what better animal to make a lunch out of than a walrus, right?  Nope.  I made a lunch yesterday that was the brunt of many a joke...I will show you that mostrosity after I've shown you my much better, much cleaner, less South Park-y lunch.  You're intrigued, aren't you?  Well, scroll past the good lunch if you just can't wait. Walrusses, Walrus', walri? Anyways, a walrus isn't the easiest thing to make food look like, so I hope you'll enjoy the creativity.  I've got a cute customer from work to thank for the croissant idea.  What a life saver!

Being the walrus, I had to incorporate the ever popular Beatles song into this lunch, even though my girls had no clue what it was all about until now.  It's been stuck in my head for days now and I am hoping it will migrate into yours instead.

I am the egg man, they are the egg men.  I am the WALRUS!!
Goo Goo G'Joob!
The croissant is simply that...a croissant.  My brilliant husband helped in deciding what to do with the croissant once I had decided that was what I was going to use. I was going to leave it whole, and he said to cut it a third of the way up...and there you have it.  An honest to God, "yeah it kinda looks like a walrus," croissant.  He was so cute this week trying to help me with this lunch.  He had a bunch of really great ideas and it was fun to talk with him about it.  I used fruit loops and raisins as eyes, a mustache cookie cutter for, an olive for his nose and a wedge of Laughing Cow cinnamon cream cheese cut in half for his tusks.  Then I speared him with an anchor pick.

The egg men are just hard boiled eggs with mustache picks (are you seeing the obsession with mustaches here?) and eyes drawn with a food grade marker.

And the little fishy was molded with a plastic egg mold and is made of some energy ball bites that I made the other day with COOKIE BUTTER!!! (See that post HERE)

And now for the GAG Reel:   Let me start by saying, I do think I have a little bit of artistic talent...but that would not be well represented here.  I cannot believe my kid ate this mess.  My eggs look like South Park's Terrence & Phillip skulls, they terrified my two year old niece (I have video to prove it), and the general consensus was that I may be in need of some help or that I was as under the influence as the Beatles were when they wrote that stinking song.  I wish that were my excuse.

Please forgive me for subjecting the bloggosphere to this.  The Easy Lunchboxes lady said it best when she saw the following pictures:  "This is WAY too fun in a sort of I'm not sure if I'm supposed to laugh or feel sad sort of way! LOVE IT. Crazy crazy Erin"


Terrence & Phillip Dead Eggs...Shut your face!

 Now, click the blog hop button below to head on over to Lunch, Snack and Sninner
for a lunch that's probably just a little more (ok, a lot more) awesome!

And don't forget to drop me a comment!  I'd love to know what you think!


  1. So cute and such a great idea to use a croissant!

  2. LOL Love your walrus-- and brilliant use of a cookie cutter! for the mustache! brilliant! :)

  3. LOVE the walrus! GREAT use of the cookie cutter!

  4. LOL this is so great! You are so creative Erin ~ I can't wait to see more of your amazing posts in the near future. :)
    PS: Love the idea of using the egg mold with the energy bites!

  5. It does look like a walrus! I love that your hubby helped you with this one ;)

  6. My little one is amazed she says, "How on eath did she do that!" I love it! I love the Beatles song reference....super clever and so super cute!

  7. I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
    See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
    I'm crying.


  8. That gave me a good giggle! So fun!

  9. So cute!! Love ur walrus, such a creative idea. :)

  10. Brilliant! Your walrus is truly amazing!

  11. Love the whole post.. was laughing all the way through. Fantastic walrus!

  12. Loved reading your post! And your walruses turned out great! And I have that song stuck in my head now! :-)

  13. OMG those eggs are too funny!! Great job!

  14. You are a riot! I love the walrus and the energy bite and mold idea but I LOVE that you have Terrance and Phillip eggs, LOL!

  15. Co Co Cachoo!!! This is great and funny all at the same time. Bravo to the hubs for helping out!

  16. This is absolutely awesome! Great job :)

  17. Thanks everyone! It's been fun! I'm hopping right now and will do it again when the girls get home from school. :D

  18. I love both of your walruses and your crazy egg people too

  19. Great job! I can't decide which eggs I like best. Love how you used the mustache cutter.

  20. LOL! Love the walrus kwasont dude and his egg buddies! :)

  21. I love your nutty walrus and crazy eggs :D

  22. Absolutely love it, and what a great job for your first themed lunch! Looking forward to seeing your future creations!

  23. What a great lunch! When can we see Strawberry Fields? I found out today is the anniversary of 'Love me Do' hitting the charts. What do you have planned for 'Mo-vember'?

  24. Now I want a croissant! Love your lunches!

  25. I should do a Beatles theme for a week. That would be fun!

  26. Great addition to the funny/silly theme!
