Turkey Day Uncut

Special thanks to Rachel Beard of Rachelsrandom.com for this simple and delicious recipe.

Turkey Day pinwheels...although my girls preferred them uncut, eliminating the whole "pinwheel" aspect.  I got my Cooking with Trader Joe's Easy Lunchboxes Cookbook a few weeks ago and this recipe jumped out at me right away. I had all the fixings in my pantry! So I made the Natives some turkey whole wheat tortillas with Laughing Cow cheese and cranberries. It was a hit! I love the cookbook and I need to start using it more. Today I will be looking through it for some more inspiration. I also won a subscription to MOMables and have been too busy to search beyond the current weeks menu. I've got to get back on the lunch wagon for sure!

Served with Pirate's Booty and applesauce

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