A Very Thankful Blog Hop

There are so many things in this world to be thankful for. Family, friends, children, jobs, life...why is it so hard to translate that into a lunch? Well, because these things are not tangible. They're not guaranteed. They're gifts from the universe that can be fleeting. 

I often feel a bit geeky and like I have far too much time on my hands when someone I know in real life says they're overwhelmed or feel inadequate when they see my lunches and meals.  I have this to say to them:  I make time for this.  I make time because I need to.  I make time because I like to.  Much like they may enjoy reading their book or watching a movie, I enjoy making these lunches and then snapping a picture of them.  Please do not feel inadequate or like you'd never be able to do it.  You could, if it were something you enjoyed doing and then scheduled time for.  I work about 28 hours a week.  I don't have my children in a ton of extracurricular activities and honestly, I'm beyond thankful that I have discovered this creative outlet for myself.  It's not for everyone.  But if I can inspire you to think outside of the same old lunch, then I am thankful for that.

I am beyond thankful that the Bento Bloggers and the internet group I was so sweetly invited to join found me when it did.  These people have no idea of the impact they have had on me and my life over the past few months.  They've helped me through a pretty deep depression and basically saved my life.  I won't go into the details, but I was beyond low.  

Who can say that a lunchbox saved their life?  I can.  And I especially want to thank Kelly Lester, the singing CEO of Easylunchboxes for giving me one, albeit small, reason to wake up every day. Her light shines through my internet connection on a regular basis, and her enthusiasm and praise and appreciation for everyone who uses her products makes it all the more special.  Thank you, Kelly.  Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

The lunch I made for this  hop is quite simple...as I try to keep my lunches.  Sometimes I go overboard (like the Angry Birds or my Walrus).  I wanted to keep this lunch simple because it's more about having the time to show my kids I love them and be thankful that I have the ability to make these special meals for them.  It's about the lunchbox...not the food.

It's a deconstructed sandwich made with homemade bread.  I recently dragged out the bread machine we got as a wedding gift and started making bread.  12 years later, and it still works.  The bread is awesome and makes the house smell so homey and wonderful.  If only they made a baked bread scented candle...maybe I'm on to something there.  There are tomatoes, grapes, graham cookies we got at IKEA and bologna roll ups.  The mustaches are still a hit around here...and they basically revived this years lunch making, so I'm thankful for mustaches.  And again, thankful for my ELB.  

I post on my Facebook page more often than on my blog so please, head on over there and like my page!  www.facebook.com/feelingalittlelunchy 

And please, join in the hop...take a look at what the others are thankful for:
Check out Keithas Chaos next by clicking the button below:


  1. Awwww ((((big hugs))))! Glad we all have this group!

  2. Beautiful post - and a very cute tribute to it!

  3. Awww, wonderful post n the lunch though simple, is beautiful. :)

  4. Very sweet post. Lunch looks good :)

  5. I left my real comment on your wall. Some things are best not left in a public comment ;) <3

  6. Ditto to Karen's comment on FB! This is the sweetest!!!

  7. I love reading through your post! Deconstructing the sandwich is brilliant.

  8. What a fun post! Thank you for being you ;)

  9. Love this post! ELBs are just so special :)

  10. wow! your post was so inspiring and put into words what I have tried to say so many times when people have asked me why I "bother" to make "those cutsie" lunches. I've had supportive people in my life with this but I've also had plenty that have implied or bluntly stated that they don't see why I put my time into this. You summed it up quite well. I work crazy hours, go to school and therfore have very little time with my family. I make the time to do bento for my husband and daughter because I know that at least once a day, they see that I love and think of them and hopefully realize how important they are to me!

  11. Amen! I am thankful for the BBF too! What a touching post… :')

  12. What a fabulous post! I am so glad to be a part of the BBF and so glad you are a part, too.

  13. I am so glad that you are part of our group... I am thankful for your sense of humor! xoxo

  14. Love the lunch! But love you more! I'm glad you're part of our nutty little group :)

  15. I love this post!!! You are incredible. I am thankful for you! :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Your post sums it all up. What wonderful words and lunches!

  17. I so completely feel your words...Amen! Beautiful.

  18. Beautiful post, Erin. xoxo girl! :)

  19. Nice work! Glad to be in this group with you!

  20. This is a lovely post & sentiment! I can't agree more that there is nothing like the smell of fresh baking bread.


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