A little unsolicited review

I won a case of Chobani Champions Greek yogurt from one of my Bento Bloggers and Friends. Sadly, I have racked my brain and I can't remember who it was! ((Edit: it was from Rachel's Random Ramblings!!))But it arrived and the girls loved almost every flavor. They had orange vanilla, vanilla chocolate chunk, very berry and banana honey flavors to choose from. The wild child was so excited about the yogurts, she began labeling them with her name and when she wanted them.

The only flavor that was not a huge hit was the banana honey. They tried one and didn't care for it, so I gave it to a customer of mine over at the Apple Store. He liked it, a lot.

I've rekindled my relationship with my bread machine as of late and this lunch has a homemade bread ham and cheese sandwich with snowflake cheese cut outs, Veggie Stix, a fortune cookie from one of our weekly take out adventures, roasted garlic pumpkin seeds from our Naturebox subscription and a cup of Chobani Champions orange vanilla Greek yogurt. I was intrigued by the Chobani NPR radio topic one day (I think it was on NPR)...they are one of the few companies that use the original method of making Greek yogurt...some of the newer Greek yogurts on the market, like Oikos, are made using a cheat method to produce the signature Greek yogurt flavor. They're really Greek yogurt, but it takes them a lot less time to produce, thereby flooding the market. Very interesting stuff, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Nice review and I learned something new! We took out our bread machine from collecting dust this year too! Thanks for linking up at the Cookie Cutter Challenge!


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