feeling a little lunchbot love

I've waited for a long time to actually order a set of Lunchbots lunch boxes. I've looked at them every single time we go to Whole Foods. I've oogled them on other people's blogs. I've stared at them on Amazon. Then the other night I was once again looking them over and I added them to my cart. I went to the checkout and Amazon notified me that I had some rewards points from my credit card...well, that changes everything, doesn't it?

So, a lunchbots duo and trio set were ordered and I've since made a few lunches in them. I've got to say, aside from having to hands wash the lids, I'm rather happy with the product. They are easy to clean, they look great and make it simple to make some healthy and adorable lunches. What is it about those little compartments that begs me to be creative? What psychological trigger is being pulled?


  1. Love your gnome picks! May I asked where they are from? Thanks!

    1. Sure, Elizabeth! I got them on amazon right here: http://amzn.to/TuSE6H


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